──The first anthology of Osamu Watanabe!
The art works of Osamu Watanabe, romantically decorated utilizing fake foods such as cream, ice cream and fruit, are popular among art-loving women, and this book was longed to be released by such fans.It is not only an anthology but there is also a story as pages go by showing his 50 latest and main works.
Needless to say,this book is suitable for those who love Japanese contemporary pop art,
but also for everybody who loves charming objects. 【by Nobuyuki Hiromoto】
Author:Osamu Watanabe
Photographer : Kazuna Iida
Price : 2,500 yen+tax (ISBN 978-4-86100-810-8)
Format:190×249㎜/96pages, Hardcover with Jacket
Language: Japanese/English / 13th April 2012