Jul 25, 2013

Basic Infographics

Written by the operator of the website "VISUAL THINKING," this book explains the basic techniques of how to design infographics to analyze information and visualize the essence of subject so as to be able to present it effectively. The author sees infographics as units of pictograms and graphics. Beginning with exercises on how to draw each of them as a warm-up, and the book explains step-by-step how to create infographics. The book shows how one can pass on what one wants to others.
Author: Jun Sakurada
Price: 2,200 yen+tax (ISBN 978-4-86100-853-5)
Format: 150×210 mm /196 pages, Softcover with Jacket
Language: Japanese / 24th May 2013

Jun Sakurada
Born in Tokyo. Graduated Gakushuin University, Faculty of Economics. Worked as a programmer, SE, and web designer.
He is the  operator of VISUAL THINKING since 2010 http://www.visualthinking.jpas well as designs pictogram, grahic, infographics.
Visualized work for 'WIRED' magazine and 3.11 project 'Tasukeai Japan' pictograms are known as his remarkable works.

preface― round off the world with the power of visualization
 angulated world
 why visialization?
 what is an infographic?
 necessary literacy to create infographics
 start with climbing up a small mountain
 about this book
 infographic samples

Part 1 basic exercise 1―pictogram
 what is a pictogram?
 necessary literacy to create pictograms
1-1 infographics and pictograms
 usable ambit
 images of pictograms
1-2 workflow of pictograms
 whole scheme
 Step 1―understanding the purpose
 Step 2―understanding objects
 Step 3―sketch
 Step 4, 5―design and adjustment
 various pictogram design
1-3 pictogram design for infographics
 Amazon bestseller in books
 Tips to give variety in pictograms
1-4 training 1_pictogram  

   choose a theme you like
 training -
introduction, development, turn, conclusion 
   pictogram summary
Part 2 training 2_schema
 what is a schema?
necessary literacy to create schemata
2-1 infographic and schema
 difference between infographic and scheme
 spruce up information
2-2 workflow of schemata
   whole scheme
 Step 1―
understanding the purpose  
   Step 2―sort the information
 Step 3―put the information in order
 Step 4―storytelling
 Step 5―design
 Step 6―
TED presentation schemata
2-3 from schema to infographic
 whole scheme
 Step 1―preparation of schemata
 Step 2―make a picture
 Step 3―add information
 Step 4―add visual expression
 Step 5―complete an infographic
infographics with charts 

schema summary
Part 3 infographic
 why infographic now?
 infographics in web era
 data and visualization
3-1 infographic contents
  usable ambit
 suitable contents
3-2 infographic design pattern
 5 representative patterns
3-3 infographic common formats
 4 common elements
3-4 how to design an infograhic
whole scheme  
   Step 1―understanding the purpose  
   Step 2―choose a subject and research
 Step 3―decide contents and a concept
 Step 4―design
 Step 5―
verification 3-5 
   open to the public
 whole scheme
infographic summary

 how to find information
 web tools to create infographics  

   hearing sheet

Jul 8, 2013


Welcome to "STITCH SHOW," a collection of embroidery by up-and-coming creators, artists, brands and studios. This book showcases 51 pieces of embroidery in the categories of art, design, illustration, and handicraft. Enjoy the opportunity to take as good a look at these diverse expressions of the embroiderer's art as if you were at an exhibition.
Editor: Junko Yazaki
Price: 2,400 yen+tax (ISBN 978-4-86100-878-8)
Format: 148×257 mm /192 pages, Softcover with Jacket
Language: English-Japanese Bilingual /Release date: 25th July 2013

okada mariko
Taku Anekawa
atelier taffeta
Ruri Clarkson
a t s u m i
Tomomi Matsuyama
Koichiro Takagi
Kanae Entani
Takashi Iwasaki
Kuniko Nagano

Design & Fashion

Makoto Oozu
Môko Kobayashi
Ten To Sen Moyou Seisaku jyo
Mari Kamio
Rika Ogasawara


Aya Taniguchi
Miyuki Sakai
Kimika Hara
Ayumi Shimoda
Naoko Takamine
Yuki Horiuchi


Minako Chiba
Jeu de Fils
Kumakura Shishu
riyo note


emi takazawa
l i t e
Fumi Oki
Hitomi Nuno
Naoko Asaga


Naomi Ryder
Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė
Jazmín Berakha
Sophia 203
Maggy Rozycki Hiltner
Coral & Tusk
Laura Ameba
Rosemary Milner
